Lead Generation Tips For Handymen

Unfortunately, discovering new customers isn’t as simple as Googling finding handyman leads near me. Because a handyman typically performs a wide range of household repairs and maintenance, generating leads can be challenging. Thankfully, creating a marketing strategy to find local handyman jobs doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are a few lead generation tips for handymen that can bring in business without overtaxing your marketing budget.

If you’re a home service professional who wants to receive phone-verified, real-time leads near you, contact CraftJack to discover how we can help you take your business to the next level.


How Online Reputation Management Works

Online reputation management means more than just looking at star ratings on Yelp or reviews on Angie’s List. If you’re a modern contractor, managing your online reputation can be an important way to promote your business and protect its image so you can draw in more clients and increase your revenue. Here’s what you need to understand about this important strategy for maintaining an effective internet presence.

The CraftJack Reputation Manager helps your business manage its online reputation by reducing negative reviews, improving local search rankings, and increasing customer loyalty. Explore the CraftJack Reputation Manager’s innovative features to learn how we can help your business take the next step toward success.


¿Cómo Puede Ayudarte Un Servicio De Generación De Clientes Potenciales?

Tu meta es satisfacer a tus clientes con tus productos, servicios, trato, y calidad mientras invitas a clientes potenciales nuevos a sumarse a tu marca. Pero ¿cómo puedes hacer que la gente decida probar los servicios que ofreces? La generación de clientes potenciales te ayuda a conectarte con clientes potenciales y trabaja para movilizar su interés en tu empresa hasta convertirlos en fieles seguidores de tu marca. La estrategia se presenta de forma en la que se utilizan muchas tácticas distintas, con cada una funcionando de mejor manera en distintas industrias y áreas. Está claro que puedes aprender a generar tus propios clientes potenciales, pero ¿por qué no contratar a un especialista que lo haga por ti? Con tantas responsabilidades que seguramente tienes que cumplir, es difícil agregar la búsqueda de clientes potenciales a tu lista. CraftJack te puede conectar con clientes potenciales en tu área. Conéctate hoy mismo.


¿Cómo Funciona Un Listado De Clientes Potenciales Para Contratistas?

Una de las cosas que cabe aclarar antes de entrar en la materia que nos ocupa es el hecho de que un listado de clientes potenciales no es lo mismo que un cliente establecido. Para muchos puede ser confuso el término, debido a que se puede prestar a creer que un cliente potencial representa un trabajo seguro. Sin embargo, la realidad es otra, aunque puede ser igual de redituable para el contratista.

¿Busca nuevos clientes en su area? Regístrese con CraftJack hoy y comience a encontrar más clientes potenciales en su área.


¿Qué Es Una Campaña De Marketing?

Las campañas de marketing, también conocidas como campañas de mercadeo, promueven ciertos productos o servicios a través de diferentes medios, tales como televisión, radio, prensa impresa y plataformas virtuales en línea. Las campañas no dependen únicamente de la publicidad y pueden incluir demostraciones, video conferencias, y otras técnicas de interacción. Las empresas que operan en mercados y franquicias altamente competitivas pueden iniciar campañas de marketing de manera más frecuente al tiempo que dedican recursos significativos a generar el conocimiento de la marca, y por ende, ventas.


Cómo crear estimados del costo de trabajos de yarda

Ha llegado el verano y junto con él la posibilidad de hacer carnes asadas, disfrutar la piscina, tomar un poco de sol, y beber una cerveza bien fría. La llegada del verano también señala la hora de llevar a cabo el mantenimiento de yarda y la limpieza de patio para aquellos que tienen la intención de gozar los días cálidos de la estación veraniega. Sin embargo, no todas las yardas han sido creadas iguales, por lo que es imperativo saber cómo crear estimados para una variedad de trabajos de yarda.


What Homeowners Are Looking For

This summer looks different for many, with more people staying home due to COVID-19. The pandemic has certainly changed plans for many, but what does this mean for you and your business?

We wanted to know some of these answers to help your business continue to grow even during these unprecedented times. In early May, we sent out a survey to both Contractors and our network of homeowners to see how coronavirus has impacted them and what the outlook is for the future. In today’s webinar, we’ll be presenting some of our results and what that means for you. Take a look at the video below.


What Are Essential Home Services?

As you know, many states are under shelter-in-place orders, allowing only essential businesses and entities to remain open. We are all learning that the word ‘essential’ is a very ambiguous term and each state’s definition is ever-changing. Not to mention, many businesses are taking advantage of loopholes in policy changes, making it hard to know which way is up and which way is down.

Disregarding orders can lead to massive fines, license removal, and mandatory business closure. While we can’t eliminate the gray area, we can try to make things somewhat black and white. 


Planning For The Future: Lead Generation & More

While it can be a bit difficult to see out in front of our feet these days, it is important for us to remember that brighter and more prosperous days are ahead. Planning for the future during this crisis is one of the best things we can do for our business, for our wellness, and for the future of the American economy.

While to the naked eye, the shutdown has by all appearances put a stop to economic activities. However, the data shows that in reality, homeowners are still shopping, a lot. One thing they are shopping for is contractors for the many projects that have become extremely prominent form many days spent at home. This increase in demand means that it’s a prime opportunity for contractors to wrangle up a number of future jobs.


COVID-19 Updates

Like many of you, we have been paying close attention to the news about COVID-19. We understand that this impacts many of your businesses and want to be here to support you during this time. Here are a few things we are doing:

We want both you and homeowners to feel safe while working on home improvement projects. We are currently asking homeowners to practice social distancing and contactless payment when possible.

We are working hard to get you leads in your area and help you fill your books for the late spring and summer. We want you to be set for success once quarantines are lifted, and this can only be done if you are an active CraftJack contractor.