5 Sales Tips That Will Help Win The Job


Your sales strategy is just as important as the actual hands-on work you do. Why? Because the way you communicate what you can do for the customer is the way you’ll land the job. Sales are incredibly important for any business owner. Knowing your best approach will help you win new jobs and gain referrals.

However, not everyone is great at selling. But, with a few easy tips and techniques, you can gain new business in no time at all.

1. Take the Time to Listen

The best approach in any sales pitch is to first, not pitch them anything at all. Yes, you read that correctly. Aside from introducing yourself and why you’re calling, you’ll want to start the conversation by thoroughly listening to the client’s needs before starting your pitch. This may seem counterintuitive from what you already know, however, listening is the first step to having great communication with your potential customer. They’ll appreciate the attention and you’ll be able to form a sales pitch to fit their needs.

Here are a few things you should remember to improve your listening skills:

  • Avoid distractions and make eye contact with the customer when they’re speaking.
  • Pay attention to their body language as they speak. Non-verbal communication can also be an indicator of their frustrations and needs.
  • Summarize the information they have given you about their needs to be sure both parties have a clear understanding and to show the customer you have listened.
  • Avoid interrupting the customer when they’re speaking. Wait until they have finished to share your thoughts.

Listening may seem self-explanatory, but pay attention the next time you’re with a customer, or even a friend, at how well you practice the above tips. Focusing on your listening skills can dramatically improve your sales approach and technique.


2. Ask the Right Questions

After you have listened to the customer, it’s time to begin asking questions to identify how you can provide them with a solution. Since you’re the pro, you may have an idea of other concerns the customer may not see. Ask questions to dig deeper and address those needs. This will show that you care and can build a rapport. When choosing what to ask, remember to keep questions as open-ended as possible so the customer can clearly express their thoughts. A few examples are:

  • “What do you expect the finished product to look like?”
  • “What’s the best way to communicate the project status?”
  • “What are you most concerned about with this project?”

The above questions guide the customer to provide an explanation of their expectations so you can learn about what they’re looking for and how you can fill that need for them.

Also, begin to ask questions to prioritize the project scope. This will give you and the potential customer clarity of what’s most important and avoid any confusion about the project. When asking about priorities, this is an opportunity to ask and find out how soon they’ll want the job done and when they plan to make a decision.

3. Speak the Customer’s Language

You can win the job by utilizing the power of persuasion and speaking the customer’s language. Always keep the conversation about them and not your business. Address them using “you” and “your” terms, such as saying “your savings” versus “our discount.” This reminds them that your goal is to help find them a solution.

Avoid using jargon they may not understand. If you have to, explain what these terms mean. Not only will the customer appreciate it, but it will better reflect your knowledge on the topic.


4. Differentiate Your Business

Assure customers that your business is not like the rest. What makes you different from other contractors that could be bidding on the same job? Do you have any guarantee’s you can share with the customer? What personal touch do you bring to the table? Tell the potential customer any benefits you provide that will differentiate you from others.

If you haven’t figured out what makes your business stand out, see How To Differentiate Your Business.

5. Be Clear & Direct

While you should always keep the conversation about the customer and their needs, be clear and direct when it comes to negotiating terms and agreeing on the project. Be careful to not sound harsh or impatient when asking direct questions. Here are a few to consider:

  • Is there anything else I can answer for you right now?
  • Does this sound fair?
  • How close are you to making a decision on this project?
  • What else can I do to win your business?


Now that you have closed the deal, be sure to deliver on what you have sold. That is truly the final step of the sales pitch; landing more referrals and keeping loyal customers.

The art of sales doesn’t have to be complicated. The key is to always keep the conversation about the customer and use the information they provide to give you clues on how your business can provide a solution.

Are you ready to start winning more jobs? Sign up with CraftJack today to start receiving leads.