Cómo Promocionar Su Empresa Contratista

¿Está usted generando suficientes clientes potenciales? ¿Sus ventas contribuyen al crecimiento de su negocio? Hay muchas razones por las cuales su respuesta a estas preguntas sea negativa. El impacto de la pandemia del Covid-19 ha impulsado una baja en la demanda de los consumidores por la oferta de los contratistas conforme las personas se ajustan a su “nueva normalidad”. Por otro lado, puede no ser un problema de economía, sino de mercadeo.

La buena noticia es que hay una forma para que usted se conecte con estos consumidores: el mercadeo digital. Con la estrategia adecuada puede ganarles la delantera a sus competidores y transformar su sitio web en un representante de ventas que funciona las 24 horas del día.


What Is Scope Creep & How To Manage It

Almost every contractor encounters scope creep at some point in their career. In fact, many professionals experience it without ever realizing it. So, what is scope creep? It’s the continual, unplanned-for expansion of boundaries, schedules, and deliverables that often happens over the course of a project. In this article, you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of scope creep and effectively communicate with homeowners so you can mitigate its impact on your business and ensure customer satisfaction.


No Limits In 2021

The new year is a fresh start for many. A time to re-evaluate and plan for the future. When it comes to your business, what do you want to accomplish this year? What success do you want to see by the end of 2021?

If you haven’t already, now is the time to start looking ahead. It’s time to overcome whatever has been holding you back. Here at CraftJack, we believe that you have no limits to how far you can go with your business, and we want to help you get there.

CraftJack offers home service leads without limits. Sign up today! Or if you’ve already been in touch with our Membership Team, schedule a call.


No Limits In 2021

The new year is a fresh start for many. A time to re-evaluate and plan for the future. When it comes to your business, what do you want to accomplish this year? What success do you want to see by the end of 2021?

If you haven’t already, now is the time to start looking ahead. It’s time to overcome whatever has been holding you back. Here at CraftJack, we believe that you have no limits to how far you can go with your business, and we want to help you get there.

CraftJack offers home service leads without limits. Sign up today! Or if you’ve already been in touch with our Membership Team, schedule a call.



You’ve opened the door to a world where there are no limits to the success you can achieve when using CraftJack lead generation services.

At CraftJack, we push boundaries and make sure our members get the most value possible out of our service. With CraftJack lead generation, there are no limits when it comes to:

  •  Lead Volume
  •  Revenue Potential
  •  New Customers
  •  Online Reviews
  •  Customer Service

Check out the testimonials below to find out how our customers are using CraftJack to take their business to new heights.


Home Service Leads Without Limits

You’ve opened the door to a world where there are no limits to the success you can achieve when using CraftJack lead generation services.

At CraftJack, we push boundaries and make sure our members get the most value possible out of our service. With CraftJack lead generation, there are no limits when it comes to:

  •  Lead Volume
  •  Revenue Potential
  •  New Customers
  •  Online Reviews
  •  Customer Service

Check out the testimonials below to find out how our customers are using CraftJack to take their business to new heights.


How to Protect Your Online Reputation

Your company’s online reputation is incredibly important, because around 93% of potential customers will check reviews before they decide to work with a contractor. Showing people who search for services in your area that you’re a reputable company that stands behind its work can help you branch out to new customers. Check out the Reputation Manager service from CraftJack if you’re interested in protecting your online presence without taking time away from running your business.


Cinco Consejos Para Obtener Más Contratos

En un esfuerzo por intentar obtener una mayor cantidad de trabajo, muchos contratistas y empresas de construcción simplemente ofertan sobre todos los empleos potenciales que puedan. La intención es que si se hacen las suficientes ofertas a los mismos clientes, eventualmente podrán lograr obtener un mayor número de contratos. Sin embargo, esto no siempre funciona y pudiera representar un desperdicio de recursos valiosos.

Adicionalmente, lo que pudiera no estar viendo, es que usted podría estar desperdiciando mucho tiempo e incrementando costos en trabajos que pueden no ser redituables o cuyas esperanzas de ganar eran inicialmente pocas. Es por esto que, a continuación le presentamos algunas estrategias críticas que le ayudarán a ganar un mayor número de ofertas para contratos más redituables.


A Contractor’s Guide to Online Marketing Terms

As a small business owner, you’re fully aware of the importance of spinning plates. You don’t have HR, marketing, sales, graphic design, finance, or IT departments — you’re all of these departments rolled into one. When it comes to marketing, new strategies and techniques emerge each year. Along with such rapid innovation comes an ever-growing list of jargon, and the better you understand it, the better equipped you are for high profits and long-term success.

Read on to discover our comprehensive guide to digital marketing words. They’ll enhance your marketing efforts so they reach the widest possible audience.


What To Include In Your Snow Removal Estimates

When winter comes roaring in, snow removal contractors are in demand, and the competition for both residential and commercial snow removal work heats up. Clearing driveways, parking areas, and sidewalks is crucial for issues of both mobility and liability to homeowners and business owners alike, and for those without the right equipment or the time to spend doing the job thoroughly, it can be back-breaking and frustrating labor that’s well worth bringing in the professionals for.

That said, it’s only natural for customers to want an estimate before they choose a service. Any informed consumer will want a clear understanding of how they’re being charged and what the provided service will actually cover. This is a guide on what to include in your snow removal estimate.